Jan 5, 2010
Family :: The Lewis Family
I did a really good job getting all the Christmas sessions posted way before Christmas. Well all of the sessions except for one. The Lewis Family! I love this family and I can't tell you how many times we scheduled a session only to cancel it. Poor little Morgan has had the sickies all through this past season. It was tricky to make it work because they live in Elizabethton and I live in Knoxville. But finally we were able to get together and I am very happy to finally post this session!
The adorable Morgan and Marley:
Morgan and her gorgeous, curious eyes ...
Marley looking very introspective ... behind those eyes is the most joyful and wild spirit you've ever seen in a little girl. I love Marley!
The Lewis Family
Okay, now what you are about to see here is very different from anything I have ever photographed or posted here on the blog. Carey contacted me with some specific ideas for this session. She was looking for some images that she could display in her bathroom. From the ideas she sent me I gathered that she was looking for something a bit abstract and a little more artistic. I LOVED the idea and was really excited about seeing how these would turn out. I know they are a little different but I really love them. Its so exciting to me when my clients turn me lose to do something new and creative.
The bathroom session:
Thanks so much Carey, Bob, Marley, and Morgan!